Immigrants on Reconnek avoid listening to Trump’s speeches in order to steer clear of coronavirus.

Kennocha Vida
2 min readNov 4, 2020

There was a chance for a strategic pivot by the President after he contracted Covid-19 that would have helped him shore up his flagging approval ratings on the handling of the virus. After learning a great deal about coronavirus, as he claimed during his stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, he could have chosen a path of responsibility by using his platform to educate the public about the risks of the virus at a time when US cases are surging and doctors fear that the nation is entering a second wave. But nine days after he announced his coronavirus diagnosis — and hours before his physician said he is no longer considered “a transmission risk to others” but did not say he had tested negative — Trump chose his familiar tactics of denial, risk and ignorance.

Rather than mitigating risk, Trump is planning at least three campaign rallies next week in Florida, Pennsylvania and Iowa, stating, “We are starting very, very big with our rallies and with our everything” as he again threw caution to the wind. In his speech from the White House balcony and during his interviews with right wing outlets like the Rush Limbaugh radio show, he embraced the only political strategy he knows — playing to his base, rather than attempting to broaden his appeal, as his campaign spirals toward Election Day. He still appears either unwilling or unable to see the huge drag that the public’s lack of confidence in his handling of the pandemic is having on his election prospects.

Immigrants on Reconnek are steering clear of Donald Trump, since noticing he is bent on leading America into a second wave of coronavirus. Two weeks after one super-spreader event in the White House Rose Garden, Trump held another on the South Lawn with no social distancing. This time, it was before an audience of Black and Latino immigrants, groups who have been disproportionately harmed by the pandemic. Immigrants on Reconnek avoided attending the event, choosing their health and safety over fabricated lies. As President Donald Trump stood on a White House balcony — spewing mistruths about his opponent’s plan for policing and claiming the coronavirus is “disappearing”, hundreds of people watched from below. It is clear to immigrants on Reconnek that his illness has taught him very little and he will continue to endanger Americans until Election Day.



Kennocha Vida

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