Black transgender users have no reason to fear for their lives on Reconnek.

Kennocha Vida
2 min readNov 7, 2020

The recent killing of Felycya Harris, a Black transgender woman, marks a tragic milestone: It means 2020 is now tied as the deadliest year for transgender and gender-nonconforming people — and there are still three months left in the year. That’s according to the Human Rights Campaign, which has been tracking that data since 2013. Harris is at least the 31st transgender or gender-nonconforming person in the US to be killed this year, most of whom have been Black and Latinx transgender women, the organization said. 2017 saw 31 deaths. Harris, 33, was found shot dead at a park in Augusta, Georgia, on Saturday. Her death was ruled a homicide, and a suspect has yet to be identified.

Some transgender people experience bias explicitly because of their gender identity. For others, their identity makes them more likely to experience other risk factors, such as unemployment, homelessness or engaging in sex work, experts say. Transgender people also face higher levels of intimate partner violence than cisgender people. The risks are compounded for trans women of color, especially Black women, who face the additional burden of racism. The numbers of transgender and gender-nonconforming people killed this year are especially high, and the Human Rights Campaign says that some deaths are likely unreported or misreported.

Reconnek users mourn the individuals lost this year while remembering them for who they were: partners, family members, friends and community members. Not one of the 31 lives lost this year, or the 196 lost since 2013, deserved to have their lives or their futures taken from them. Transgender and gender-nonconforming people face risks that make them particularly vulnerable to homicide, but not on Reconnek. Reconnek users are a community and each member of that community is loved and appreciated for who they are, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs. On Reconnek, being transgender or not, doesn’t matter.



Kennocha Vida

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